Positive | Proactive | Preventative Our approach to dealing with Mental Health

2020 has been a particularly challenging year. The impact of Coronavirus has added extra pressure to the workforce with changes in the working environment, job insecurity and restructuring, aligned with the fear of lasting physical and mental health issues. Levels of stress and anxiety amongst employees are at record high. 

There is also a financial cost as well as employee welfare issues.

70 million workdays are lost each year due to mental health problems in the UK, costing employers approximately £2.4 billion per year.

44% of all cases of work-related ill health due to stress, depression or anxiety (2018/19).

Mental Health related management referrals to Clarity have more than doubled since the start of the pandemic, and now account for over 50% of all referrals.


Employers can take positive steps to prevent these statistics from rising, by creating an environment to encourage open and authentic conversations about mental health in the workplace, both individually and on a strategic level.

To create an open environment, managers need to feel fully supported.  69% of UK line managers say that supporting employee wellbeing is a core skill, but only 13% have received mental health training. 35% of line managers reported a wish for basic training in common mental health conditions.

Clarity recommend a 2-stage programme:

Stage 1 – upskill line managers to actively support employees by spotting early warning signs, removing the stigma, encouraging open conversation, and positively managing issues

Stage 2 – educate and support employees to identify symptoms and promote open conversations

For further information contact Clarity Occupational Health

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Our process is simple, we facilitate your employee through their journey in the business keeping them fit, healthy and productive.

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