Respiratory Health Surveillance

Occupational health respiratory tests are medical assessments conducted on workers who are exposed to hazardous substances or environments that can affect their respiratory health. The tests are designed to assess the worker’s lung function and to identify any respiratory conditions or diseases that may have resulted from exposure to hazardous substances.

Respiratory tests may involve spirometry, which measures lung function by assessing the volume of air a person can exhale and inhale, as well as other tests to assess lung capacity and function. The tests may also include a review of the worker’s medical history and exposure to hazardous substances, as well as a physical examination of the lungs and chest.


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The purpose of these tests is to identify any respiratory conditions or diseases that may be caused or worsened by exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. Examples of such conditions include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer.

Regular respiratory testing is recommended for workers who are exposed to hazardous substances or environments, and for workers who have experienced a significant change in their respiratory function or have been diagnosed with a respiratory condition or disease. The results of the respiratory tests are used to identify workers who may be at risk of respiratory disease and to monitor the effectiveness of respiratory protection measures implemented by the employer.

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