Occupational Health Needs Quote Builder

Needs Assessments help to identify and manage the health risks within the business.

It provides essential data to support a proactive occupational health service.

Our process is designed to take the complexities of your occupational health needs, and present them in a easily understandable assessment matrix, breaking down your employees into groups, and displaying the type of surveillance and/or medicals they require.

Occupational Health Cycle

In order to make the Occupational Health process as simple as possible, we have designed the schematic to guide employers through their service. Clarity provides industry leading occupational health provisions in all of these areas. We do, however, recognise that ensuring the health and safety of your staff, and maintain your legal compliance is a priority for most employers. This is done primarily through the first 2 sections of the cycle:

  • Entry Screening (Post-Offer/Pre-Placement Assessment
  • In-Employment Screening (Health Surveillance, Medical Surveillance, Fitness for task medicals, biological monitoring.

This document is aimed to help you through the identification of requirement for these services and present them in an easily interpretable manner. This makes the smooth running of your occupational health service easy.